Charu (NightStar)
A 2D illustrator who specializes in mostly animals, fantasy, nature and sometimes fanart.
Art Status
Commissions - OPEN (forms close 1/26)
Art Trades - Mutuals Only
Free Requests - Never
Art Examples & Prices
Monochrome Headshots/Mawshots
Normal Headshot $30
Mawshot $50
Monochrome Headshots are 4000x4000
Single characters only
Optional to add a single splash of color somewhere such as eyes, accessory or important marking on the character
There is no wip sketch approval for these
Stained Glass Headshots
Price $60
Stained Glass Headshots are sized at 3500x5000
Single character only
Symmetrical style only
Background design is artistic liberty only
There is no wip sketch approval for these
Price $45
Chibi sizes are roughly4000x3000
Single character only
SFW only
Simple cel shading style
Full bodies in a more simplified style
Customer gives general ideas for posing/expression to be drawn
There is no wip sketch approval for these
Treasure Room Multi YCH
Price $170
Size resolution 6000x45000
SFW or NSFW themes for this YCH
This is a multi YCH so there will be more than one who can purchase this piece
Very minimal shading only
Species can be anything that fits the general pose
There is no wip sketch approval for these
Comfy Spot Multi YCH
Price $140
Size resolution 6000x45000
SFW only
This is a multi YCH so there will be more than one who can purchase this piece
Very minimal shading only
Species can be anything that fits the general pose (human, anthros and some ferals)
There is no wip sketch approval for these
Terms of Service
Last Updated: 12/11/24
Important Details
You must be 18+ to order a commission from me.
Visual references are a must to order something. I do not work from text descriptions of a character.
I will not draw anything that I personally feel is illegal or I deem immoral.
All parties involved in a art piece must have permission from the commissioner to use their characters. I will not be responsible asking every person individually if they are okay with a commission being requested.
A turn around time for commissions can be anywhere from 1 week to 1 month wait.
When commissioning me you are paying for art in MY style. I will not copy styles of another artist. Please look through my work to get an understanding of what my style looks like before getting a commission.
Payments & Refunds
All payments must be through Paypal and in USD.
Artwork will not be started on until payment is received.
All payments will be paid with paypal invoices.
If the commissioner decides to cancel, a refund will be given for incomplete commission work.
If any work has been partially completed, the commissioner will receive refund minus any work completed.
I reserve the right to cancel any commission for any reason, at any given time. A refund will be given, minus any work already done if applicable.
Payment must be made within 24hrs or risk losing your slot.
My primary source of contact is through e-mail ([email protected]).
Rude or impatient commissioners will have their commissions cancelled with a refund minus any work completed.
If there are any delays, the commissioner will be notified appropriately.
Subject Matter
Know what you want before requesting a commission. As a commissioner communication is key.
I will accept commissions of any type for Fan-Made characters based on species of known games, movies, and the like. Such as: Charr, Pokemon, WoW, ESO, etc
I do accept commissions ranging from SFW to NSFW content (see below for my Do's and Don't's)
I do not, and will not, help design a character for you. All characters being used must have some sort of visual reference already made with visible colors/markings.
Changes & Updates
A WIP sketch will be provided. The commissioner is allowed up to two free changes. After that each change will cost an additional $15.
If there's a mistake on my part, such as an error overlooked on the ref, there will be no cost to changes.
Progress will be posted to my Trello which is updated at all times.
If words are difficult to express the changes you'd like made in any piece I do accept redlining. Sometimes drawing out what changes you'd like made can make communicating changes easier. This can also include drawing rough stick figures to convey what changes the commissioner would like made.
Rights and Licensing
I retain FULL RIGHTS to the artwork unless the commissioner arranges to pay for the full rights. The commissioner does not have full rights to the artwork unless paid for and specifically stated by me and me only.
Private commissions for users who wish that the finish work not be posted online may be requested. But an additional fee will be added to the price.
One is not permitted to make any physical edits/modifications to my artwork without my explicit permission. This includes, but is not limited to: Changing watermarks, recoloring, vectoring, tracing.
The commissioner is permitted to post the completed work to their personal gallery as long as the work is unedited (resizing is okay) and FULL credit is given to me.
The commissioner is not permitted to edit, sell prints, redistribute without permission, claim credit, or use for advertising in ANY fashion, profit or non-profit.
I do not, will not, ever allow my art to be used for NFTs or AI art in any way shape or form
Will and Won't Draw
Will Draw
Humans (I'm not the best at them still)
Vore (most all types)
Blood/Gore (within reason)
Transformation (single image)
Light Bondage
Cub/Toddler Furs (never in nsfw themed content)
Won't Draw
Diapers (clean or dirty)
Beastiality (This does not include Anthro/Feral)
Comic pages
Cityscape or interior themed detailed backgrounds
Extreme muscle or obese characters (if unsure if your character is acceptable feel free to reach out and ask)
Non consensual themed scenarios
Anything involving hate speech, discrimination or foul themed content
Anything else I am uncomfortable with
Discord Exclusive YCHs
•Completion of YCH can range anywhere from 2-3wks.
Highres versions of the YCH will be posted to my Patreon. However the customer may share them wherever they wish at any time upon receiving their piece
•Expressions can be changed and dialogue and/or SFXs(sound effects) can be added at no extra cost.
•Payment is through Paypal only and in USD.
•Payment must be made within 24hrs after seeing the form.
•When getting a YCH with another person make sure you have permission to use said character.
Be sure to provide up to date references and note any important details in the provided form
YCHs do not have a sketch approval stage. Due to there being no sketch approval please be sure to fill out all necessary details and important features before work begins.
I do not accept real life photos for references. All references must be visually drawn in some way.
Below are my contact links separated into categories. This is because I do draw both SFW and NSFW content. By clicking any of the NSFW links you agree you are 18+ in age.
Work Hours
Monday-Friday 10am-4pm EST
Weekends are off hoursTimes will vary depending on holidays
Email: [email protected]
Safe For Work Links
Not Safe For Work Links (18+)
By clicking any of these links below you agree you are 18+. Content in these galleries is either strictly NSFW or a mix of both NSFW and SFW
File Island (Discord Server)
File Island is mine and Jinsei's community server. It is strictly 18+ only. There's channels to chit chat, share art, promote sales and more. Clicking the icon below will direct you to our server website with rules and a invite link.